If you are addicted to sugar and are
wondering what to do it is important to realize that the addiction
stronger than cocaine addiction, it is also important to know that
artificial sweeteners are not a good substitute because they cause
cancer and other health problems. There are millions of people who
use Splenda,Equal and other sweeteners unaware they are extremely
dangerous. If you are addicted to sugar you must break the
The increase in sugar consumption
The amounts of sugars that are
consumed today are far from moderate and far from healthy, in part
this is not your fault, the food manufacturers have hooked you on
their products by added unnatural amounts of the sweetener to your
food. A soda may not seem very sweet but hiding in the can is an un-
natural amount of sweetener that can start an addiction. A can of
Coke has 39 grams sugars in it(there are 4 grams in a simple
teaspoon)we can see how one can may get you addicted to sugar
because the math shows us that a can of coke has 10 teaspoons of
sweetener in it. The situation is worst because they use high
fructose corn syrup which is a “created sweetener”, it is
dangerous, causing diabetes and obesity.
If you have a sugar addiction this is a
very difficult habit to break, the addiction is stronger than an
addiction to cocaine.
Researchers in France showed that sugar
is a stronger addiction than cocaine, what is even more startling is
the fact that cocaine addicted animals still chose the sweetener over
the drug, they were hooked in on the sweetener. The University
researchers concluded
Our findings
clearly demonstrate that intense sweetness can surpass cocaine
reward, even in drug-sensitized and -addicted individuals. We
speculate that the addictive potential of intense sweetness results
from an inborn hypersensitivity to sweet tastants.
If you are one of
the millions saying “I am addicted to sugar” take this very
seriously, this addiction is linked to cancer,heart disease and early
death. Only a diet created for an addiction to the sweetener works.
See below
people in 10 countries stopped a sugar addiction Click here
only sugar addiction diet in 10 countries
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