Sugar in the diet can be a poison if
you are one of the many who have an addiction to this sweet
substance, this sweetener can be a wonderful addition to your meals
but in excess it can be a deadly poison to the cells of the body. The
cravings for the sweetener can start in the womb and the effects on
the health can be detrimental. Sugar in the diet can be a poison if
portions are not controlled, the effects on the body can be damaging
Why is the Sweetener so harmful?
It must be stated that this sweetener
can be good in moderation, the problems occur when people develop an
addiction to it, this is where so many lose the body. How did we
become sugar addicted? The history of sugar is a beautiful one until
we reach the middle 1970's, this is when the food industry started
added the sweetener to many food products that never used much if any
sugar before.
Today it is standard to include sugar
in bread,pancakes,bagels,muffins,crackers, etc..If you can name it
they have added sugar to it. The results of all this sugar is a
generation of people who need more than normal amounts in their food
and drink. Sugar in the diet was introduced slowly and then the
amounts were increased as more people became dependent on excess.
Today we are seeing children as young as 5 who are already abusing
sugar according to the Center for Disease control (CDC)
Sugar addiction is real, it is a
scientific fact, brain scans are showing doctors and researchers for
the first time how the sweetener behaves in the body, the results are
really shocking. This simple sweetener has become abused and is
effecting the health in a horrible way. The addiction is strong,
sugar in the diet when abused can be stronger than the drug cocaine.
The Sugar Addiction reversal report now read in 10 countries See here stop a sugar addiction
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